Solving the Manpower Shortage in Warehouses with WMS Systems

How to use your WMS to absorb Manpower Shortage in Warehouses


The shortage of manpower has become a significant challenge for warehouses around the world. However, the advancements in technology, particularly Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), have proven to be a game-changer in mitigating this issue. In this blog post, we will explore how WMS systems can effectively address the problems faced by warehouses grappling with a lack of experienced employees, high fluctuation rates, and a workforce with low levels of education. By leveraging automation, simplifying processes, providing light training, and introducing intuitive applications, warehouses can optimize their operations and overcome manpower shortages.

Lack of experienced employees 

One of the key challenges warehouses face is the scarcity of experienced employees. As the demand for e-commerce and fulfillment centers continues to grow, finding skilled workers becomes increasingly difficult. This shortage of experienced personnel can lead to inefficiencies, errors, and reduced productivity. However, WMS systems can offer viable solutions to address this issue.

Solution 1: More automation and less manual work 

Automation plays a crucial role in reducing the reliance on skilled labor. WMS systems facilitate the automation of various warehouse processes, including inventory management, order picking, and packing. By implementing robotic systems, conveyor belts, and automated guided vehicles (AGVs), warehouses can streamline their operations and minimize the need for manual labor. This enables businesses to achieve higher efficiency levels, even with a limited workforce.

Solution 2: Simple solutions and processes

Complex procedures and convoluted systems can hinder productivity and increase the likelihood of errors of warehouse workers. Some WMS solutions are known for its simplicity and user-friendly interface, which often helps mitigate this issue. With intuitive features and straightforward processes, the system enables workers to quickly understand and execute their tasks. This simplicity reduces the training time required for new employees, allowing them to contribute effectively from day one.

Solution 3: Light training of new employees 

In warehouses with a high fluctuation rate, the constant onboarding of new employees can strain resources and hinder productivity. WMS systems like GET WM offer an advantage by requiring minimal training for new hires. The system’s intuitive design, coupled with user-friendly interfaces, allows employees to learn essential tasks quickly. Moreover, the system provides step-by-step guidance, reducing the likelihood of errors and increasing the overall efficiency of the workforce.

Solution 4: Intuitive and error-proof applications 

Human errors in warehouse operations can lead to significant losses and inefficiencies. WMS systems offer intuitive and error-proof applications that minimize mistakes. Through barcode scanning, automated data entry, and real-time tracking, these systems ensure accurate inventory management and order processing. The system’s built-in error-checking mechanisms further enhance the accuracy of warehouse operations, reducing the need for manual verification.


The shortage of manpower in warehouses is a pressing issue that can significantly impact productivity and profitability. However, with the advent of WMS systems like the GET WM product, warehouses have access to powerful tools that can help address this challenge effectively. By embracing automation, simplifying processes, providing light training, and implementing error-proof applications, warehouses can optimize their operations and mitigate the impact of the manpower shortage. As the industry continues to evolve, it is crucial for warehouses to embrace technological solutions that empower their workforce and drive efficiency in the face of labor scarcity.

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